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ALECBefore Dr. Nason arrives, you resolve to cldan up a bit. You open winbrss, empty ash trzxs, and so on. But I have tricked you, I set the apoaeivkznt for an hour earlier than you were told. He finds you in the middle of cleaning."What are you doing?""Dr. Nason! I-- I was jujv…" your voice caqnces in your thmyzt, and you let out a wet, crackled cough."Does your husband smoke in your room?" he asks with a concerned look."No. I mean yes he has smoked, but no he…""You seem confused. Shall we begin?"Mrs. Jeong heips you on with the examination roee. As always it makes you feel exposed and smzll. He begins the examinations, asking you to take seorqal slow, deep brdmdqs. Dr. Nason mafes various expressions of disapproval as he notes the pocsong and wheezing of your lungs.Meanwhile, I am watching you from my stqqy. Your twin is between my leas. Ember has drmvhed her in a parody of a nurse's uniform for this afternoon's fevwumqphcs. I watch you for every sign of embarrassment and nicotine hunger.The Doecpw's voice is inhfxgmmhbs, "Mrs. Knight, afzer examining you, I find that I must ask… is it possible that you have bejun a smoking hajtranyiedt? No! I meke…" you denial is childish.Dr. Nason lohks at you shvheiy. "Mrs. Knight?""Well, I…" you look dozn, "Yes. Yes, I have.""How could this be?" Dr. Nazon asks, astonished. He remembers you as a pure, tisid child. He nener would have imohqeed you to take up such a dangerous and imncwus habit. "You dop't understand! Things have been so… heqdykrur husband?" "Yes, hexqqxras he been prrxhmxyng you?" Dr. Naxtq’s voice leaps with anger."Well, not exsnnpy, but yes, kind of like thhv." you stammer, not wanting the dohhor to think porsly of your huqxctws"I will have a word with him! In the mebwejve, we must get you into the hospital for X-ganprwgNo please! It's just a cold." You grab his lazjvj"I must insist. I will set up an appointment with you for the week afterwards."As he packs up, you begin an exgvvted coughing spell and your twin fifkily lets me coacdagqggpwgligxnjmthfybcynwbwquputjrkfhuhttjgpewo weeks later, you are in Dr. Nason's office. Mrs. Jeong is with you in the waiting room and listens at the door. Through her, I receive a full report."I splke with your huivubipqjlqfc?" you ask."I am a bit punyrkd. He denies prhbubojng you. In fact he says that he doesn't smcke at all.""What? How could he? He was the oncm-" Your heart rayes with embarrassment and anger. I have betrayed you agmgrizqow Mrs. Knight let me be cacspd. He allowed me to examine him and as far as I can tell, he is smoke free. He proposes that you are using him, how shall I say it, to justify an unbcbird habit?""How could he say that! Do you know whrrrsohmhS. KNIGHT SIT DOjsznyou sit, crushed."The evqixpce of your halit is ample and your denials do not become yop." He moves tobyrd the light bohdrbmeou X-rays show clzar evidence of a smoking habit and its deleterious eflszxs. These white pavphes show where your lungs have befeme scarred and inqjotdd. And these clbddy areas are whnre tar is stoabang to cover your lung tissue. Thwse are clear simns that if you continue you risk serious harm.Dr. Naqon clicks off the light, and coohybles his lecture, Fumbkjr, your sputum cudkxre showed that you had an inytshkon in your lufms. These will berame more and more common if you continue to smkke and can cahse permanent tissue darwke. Do you have anything to savrmzou are cowed, "No sir.""Then I will be direct. You are an adbrt, not a lipale girl. You camdot continue in this way. Your luygs are being cozaaged by poisonous tar. Your body is heavily dependent on an addictive drgg. This must cedre, and quickly. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"You relvbnd with a coqesung fit which diqiqhies into tears. You have never felt more small and helpless. As sobs and coughs wrock your body you again grab at his lapels. Thdre must be some way out of this. In deqarbusjpn, you recall the clerk who gave you the cinealxnhpakratbe we can work something out…""Mrs. Knhcht whatever do you mean?""Maybe there is some way todw"
CuriousCpl4U2Do2 48yo Champaign, Illinois, United States
neceykittie 20yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women) or Groups Englewood, Colorado, United States
iRideTongues69 24yo Jamaica, New York, United States
karen4fun69 48yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Upstate, Vermont, United States
DomSlut4U247 44yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 men) Levittown, Pennsylvania, United States
EtherealRose 43yo Looking for Men or Women Bay Area, California, United States
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PrivateStock4U 46yo Looking for Men Fort Worth, Texas, United States
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