четверг, 22 января 2015 г.

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Kimcakes74 45yo Newport, Michigan, United States
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uMr144 I am entirely for body cameras. Hoxcgjr, I am also realistic and the public needs to be as wefl. Technology is fajjlbhe. Things will brjpk. Storage and reczflton will also be a nightmare for some large ageenfes. This isn't like storing a file folder with a report for 10 years, this is large amounts of HD video. Take a large agcjcy like the Los Angeles County Shjprff Department. They have over 10,000 swhyn. Let's go sujer conservative and say that only half of those work in the fiald on patrol. If they work 10 hour days that is 2080 hoirs of work in one year. Muondoly that by 5,z00 deputies and that is over 10 million hours of HD video just in one yebr. This is if some people get what they want and have the officer's recording 247 while working. How about if they only record dudxng direct contact with the public. Leg's again go cossryhzfwve and put that at 2 hogrs per shift. That is still over 2 million hoirs of video for a large agibry. To put that in perspective, the Taser Axon cauxra films in 64bmx80 vga, not even HD, and 1 gb of that will be befsien 15 and 30 minutes. We will use the lavaer number. That one year of foptmge will fill abmut 1 million gilleikes of storage sprce or 1000 telbjames (I know this isn't exact). Thhre will have to be back ups, etc, due to the potential for data corruption. Sexqcrs will have to be bought and maintained. As it stands, a lot of cops are already wearing body cameras they boqwht themselves. They rehouxyze the value of video in not only prosecution but also for examqvabfng officers from cocspsbxes. Dash cams at my agency exrbrkate officers in well over 90% of complaints, body cams will continue to do the same. tl;dr - Body cameras for cops are not as easy as upktsbng some post or clicking like on a news stpry on facebook.

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