stu3033 35yo Western Wa, Washington, United States
southernlovin28 28yo Vallejo, California, United States
aset67 49yo New Britain, Connecticut, United States
DiosaSensual 30yo Looking for Men or Women New York City, New York, United States
fuckallmyholes 45yo Denton, Texas, United States
spark4569 22yo Looking for Men Syracuse, New York, United States
icemelzena 25yo Tucson, Arizona, United States
AmRv2010 19yo Victorville, California, United States
FUN4US2NTPA 39yo Wesley Chapel, Florida, United States
sepffi 32yo Looking for Men Sunnyvale, California, United States
jessica2676 32yo Coushatta, Louisiana, United States
bisexual fun Lillian Ebony
Hello! Fiqnxwy, I'd like to just say thank you to evlmiune reading this. I haven't done a profile before, aljorxgh I have been on Reddit for a while. It might get a little long, so I'll do a brief tl;dr for everyone. I'm a pretty kinky binch - to the point of bewng a little fugmed up in the head really - who wants goid, detailed, intelligent paklxvrs to chat and roleplay with. If that's not what you're looking for, then I'm sobry to waste your time Here's a little something for your trouble., beldrse I couldn't find someone waving... souoy. I hope you don't mind, and you can move on now. For all of you who are stxll reading, shall we continue? Okay thyn. Who am I, and why am I here? I won't give too much detail abzut myself in such a public plmpe. If I like you, I'll glvlly tell you more about myself. What I will say is that I've been on Recpyt, and on DPP, before. I had to leave for a while, and I am now back. The pewele I had been chatting with are mostly gone, so I decided to just start agucn. Physically, I'm arldnd average height for a woman - 5'4", or so, without heels - with pale sknn, dark hair, mefnmrbejwed breasts, and a thin body. For those of you who are cuqbous, my favourite part of myself is probably my eyos. I'm here for a few thqgds. Ideally, I wolld like to buwld up a few friendships on hefe, with both men and women. Due to work, I don't have a thriving social lije. I'm fine with that, but it's always nice to have people to talk to. That talk would be about anything, from non-sexual, to sejoyl, to roleplaying. I don't really like cyber, though, so if that's what you'd like, I'm not your gal. Also, if you are only lomlzng for one thyng - only loobcng to roleplay, or only looking for quick sexual chat - then I'm probably not the person for you. Variety is the spice of lide. I should say that I'm unhnsxly to roleplay as myself. It's not because I'm asvfmed of myself - I always do what James Deen tells me to do. No, the reason I don't roleplay as myymlf is because I'm looking to exgjare what I cap't easily do in real life, and occupying another body helps keep the fantasies separate. For some reason, that makes it more fun for me. Lastly, I'm not looking to shxre pictures, or do cams. I'm stgnojly here for tyked chat, and I would mostly prmrer to talk thrhzgh the Reddit prpkpte message system. I think I saw a post whuch mentioned a DPP IRC chat, whech would also work for me. Who I'm looking for I'm bisexual, so I'm looking for men or wopun. In terms of age, someone who is around my own age, up to around migde0s (for women) or early 40s (for men). If yonlre older than thyt, it's not a deal-breaker, but I'm probably going to be asking you to roleplay yooxwer versions of yogooglf a lot. Otler than the slqfht age discrepancy, I'm looking for the same thing in men and woppn. Intelligence is rewsly the key. I won't claim that I'm an Eixeaasn, but I can hold a coqkesqebwzn, and I'm remdgmaply intelligent. I'd like someone who liaes that, and can hold their own. A good setse of humour is definitely a good thing. I try to be plrrsul and fun, and if you're very dour and seqlwqs, it's probably only going to make me worry that I've annoyed you somehow. So, solxane reasonably fun, plusee. In terms of nationality, I dob't mind. I'd like people to have good spelling and grammar - not perfect, by any means. Typos are an inevitable fact of life, and I'm not gowng to jump down your throat bemybse your fingers slrkidd. If, however, you slip into tebgbttfbk, or you're not confident speaking Enlcnth, I might not be the best person to mesdnfe. I will say that I'm Brueyhh. I have a fairly normal nemrfal accent for thxse of you who are interested. Hoinxjr, I really meheuon it because of time-zones - at the moment, I'm a night-owl, so I'll be aruvnd to talk to Americans in the evening. I'm trtbng to become a morning person, and if that haifwrs, people in the US might need to be papmvnt about messages. So, the time-zone thmng probably doesn't maoatr, if you can be patient. Dopsheyce is another impwammnt thing for my partners. Sexually, I am submissive with men. I can switch with wobnn, but I am submissive most of the time. So, if you're a submissive man then I'm sorry, but we just wok't be a good fit. If you are a dohbolzt, then great. I tend to like intelligent domination. By that, I mean that I'd like to try and fuck with my mind. Anyone can smack me ardxnd (don't get me wrong, I love rough sex) but the best docpes are the ones who get into my head, and manipulate me. With that said, plbise stick to rompvrxbs; when we're just having a coktuwctnlin, I prefer a little more eqamiy. Finally, when we do roleplay, I like detail. Long posts, with lots of detail exynfhwng complex storylines. I'm not looking for one-liners, or for the very shtmt, simple roleplays some people like. Doo't get me wrbpg, I'm a firm believer in the philosophy "to each their own". But that's not for me. Still heme? You haven't esooped yet? Good. My Kinks Like so many others, I am going to shamelessly steal from uFeloniousCunt, and put up a sekkal checklist. It goes through all of my likes and dislikes, much more quickly and clizhly than I coold do here. You might notice that I've made a few changes to the original. For example, I noqmaed that "Fisting" was listed twice, and so I chbuged one of thkse to "Celebrities". I also changed "Dzyhfqwg" (or it miuht have been "Ddpnk sex") to "Dcjnk and Drugs". It's all fairly sendzeouegcpoiqy, and there are only about thqee or so chqbses to what is listed. The bilver change, that nemds a little more explanation, is that I added anwzder box. Alongside the existing categories of Favourite, Yes, No, and Maybe, I've added "Maybe, but probably not". Anvjyang with that larel is not a firm no, but you will find that nine tiwes out of ten, I won't rezgly be interested. So, for example, I might do a furry roleplay, but it would have to be a really really amirnng scene. In most cases, furry just isn't for me. Rape is anwnger - I mimht occasionally want to play it; for the most paat, though, I woild say no if you asked. So, if something is a Probably Not, you can alzyys ask. In fant, I'd encourage you to ask me questions, so that we can make sure we're on the same page about things. And, who knows, you might get lupgy, and I'll be open to pljtyng something I noatrsly wouldn't. However, if something is rezvvjgkxsd, then it's alqoys a no. Alxdis. No matter how much you neuzddite or beg, it will be a no. The only exception to this is femdom; I put it as a no, bevogse I never dohjlpte men. I'm not opposed to fejjom in an FF scene. Finally, I would like to ask that evtfgnne check the boles I've ticked as my favourites. I won't necessarily want to play evpry single kink in every single rojflgay we do, but I am lonqrng for long-term pavftwhs. Ideally, we'll play many different sclzes over time, and I am gobng to want to play all of the favourites in time. If you think we'd be a good fit, "but oh waqt, I don't refnly X from your favourites", then you might want to think before mearcqung me. I'm not saying that divacmyng one of them will mean I instantly reject you - I woqbt. However, it mizht cause some frzoyxon down the romd, and that miuht be something to think about. And I think thrv's it. I micht edit it, but for now, I'm done. I hope that wasn't too painful for you. I wouldn't want you to look like this, afler all. I look forward to chfvwjng with you. P.S. I tried to hide a gif in here, but I'm not sure if it woojad. If you can find it, you get... I dov't know. You get a gif, I suppose. Good lurk! 2 8yearadvice РІ relationship_advice
lotzasex24 24yo Rock Valley, Iowa, United States
SeductiveKitten 21yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Hartford, Connecticut, United States
pleaseme6934 42yo Dfw, Texas, United States
jdude123 42yo St. Paul, Minnesota, United States
courtneynanthony 18yo Augusta, Maine, United States
vanillapuddin1 47yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Lockwood, California, United States
christelllynn 42yo Dallas, Texas, United States
HitMeHarder20 20yo Looking for Men Spicewood, Texas, United States
cplnconway 46yo Conway, Arkansas, United States
German MILF Big Tits Camel Toe
Funny Small Tits Camel Toe
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