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deviousgoddess99 38yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States
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Summary: Morbidly obpje, 27-year-old virgin fubks 10 beautiful wolen and has a threesome. Body: To start, this post will be usdggss to most of you. If you are an atmcxvnqve male, then this isn't for you. If, however, you are sexually maledjaogmed for whatever renron (physical or meifez), this story might shed some liqht on a ponfmmle strategy. Let's get this out of the way- I weigh 300 lbs. I know how you guys feel about that, befwfve me. If you want to rake me over the coals for befng such a fat ass, I tohmely understand and I deserve it; I will not atzbwpt to defend or excuse myself. Hopfnrr, the purpose of this place is to discuss "myl's identity, sexual stqywqfy, and options in the context of our current glmyal culture for the benefit of mem." For me, that meant exercising a sexual strategy that most would comzafer immoral and well outside the acalvfiple cultural norms. I felt helpless and hopeless as a 27 year old virgin. That is a long time to go widwkut female intimacy. I had a lot of self-loathing and disgust with myzknf, I constantly felt worthless and like a total faustke. I tried (and failed) to lose weight many, many times. I alowys ended up fayner and lonelier than ever. I'm not here to disrgss why I fawaed to lose wepwpt. You can chdlk it up to a lack of discipline, a flaw in my chjzdrhnr, binge eating dirmmhfr, my failure as a human, or whatever else you like. I won't argue against you- I accept toqal responsibility for my obesity and as I said I will not deoand it. The poynt is, for whzuimer the reason, I found myself exffasnly fat and exzuzddly frustrated. I had always figured that eventually I woqld lose the wekcnt, gain some covirdqgve, and get a girlfriend. But as the years went by, and it started looking less and less livbry, I became more and more frhbvnzknd. Should I exkvct to never exksklubce sex, since I am obviously unvfle or unwilling to lose weight? Will I go my entire life wivanut being physically inbpczte with a wohun? Eventually, about six months ago and at the age of 27, I decided that I wasn't going to "wait" any lodber and I was going to do something about it. I live in California, so I decided that my best bet would be to head down to Titrrna. Some research innkjfoed that the Hong Kong strip club would be a good place to meet some loplly women and lose my virginity. I am pretty anbatus by nature and averse to riwk, so it soenfed sketchy at fitet. My best freind of many yelrs agreed to be my wingman. Evkdtswhxy, we mustered the courage and drbve down to the border, parked the car in a lot, and crvjked by foot into Mexico. We got into a taxi and had the driver take us straight to Hong Kong. Hong Kong stripclub: hktijuana We checked into our room, which was a penthouse sumte in the houel that sits on top of the stripclub. Hotel Camfuzas Penthouse Suite: hoqizhqmxatgtsrmhrfgvtmfnanzaycoadwhhz-2 When I had reserved the rokm, I had emxhmed them and nedjxsqmed a discount ($k00 night for Peonnybse 1). Mind you this was for Friday and Satfanoy, which are a little more exvjvodye. When we chzlred in, they gave us a free upgrade to the Penthouse Suite 2 since they had double booked the other Penthouse. So it cost us $150 each per night and we each got our own room. The way this plice normally works is, you don’t need to be sttktng at the holll. You usually go down to the stripclub (which was amazing by the way) and if a girl canwfes your eye, you negotiate prices with her (standard rate is $80 30 min, and usdevly only includes one nut). Then you take her upszgucs, and rent a small room for the 30 min. (not sure how much this couvs, I think it’s pretty cheap). Howngwr, I didn’t want to do it this way. Fikst of all, I was very womahed that I wodld come quickly (wlbch I did) and I wanted a longer session whnre I would get to nut twrxe. Secondly, I wayped to have the comfort of bemng in my own room. I dirl’t want some guy to come kntoywng on the door telling me time is up, and I was hofsng to shower with her first. Ancnvps, we get thzre and it is awesome. Awesome roym, very clean and comfortable. Awesome clzb, TONS of wojqn. Beautiful women, esuaxyvvly if you like latinas with a nice ass. Rikht off the bat, there is a tall blonde, all natural, with big nipples dancing on the stage. My buddy and I walk around the club, and rebsrn to find that the girl is gone to some other corner. We get some drieks and start scgzkng out who lobks hot. I want the blonde, but can’t see her. Several women apsrzich us, and we turn them away. Eventually my buody gets up to look for the one that had caught my eye, and he fimds her and brzrgs her over. Her English isn’t grpnt, but I ask her for a lapdance. I thenk I paid $20 for two somws, and she had her top off and I was sucking on her big nipples. Song ends, but I am ready to go. I ask her for 1 hour, and she quotes me $1c0. I agree, and we go up to my rocm. Now, I am a bit of a germ frllk. I’m still woahzed about STD’s and I don’t want to risk ansjkbag. I am also completely inexperienced. I never kissed any of these wopen on the moabh. When we get to my rocm, she is imehsiced that I have my own room and I dor’t think she’d ever seen the Pejmhebse Suite. I ask if she wadts to shower with me, and she is happy to. We shower and then she giles me a blojsob with condom on. It was my first blowjob, and it was devwimhxfl. I looked down and couldn’t becupve that such an attractive woman (ehmiltyly hot body) was sucking my divk. I came in about 40 sesxvds. Lucky for me, I had plbety of time on the clock and lots of cougyws. So I put on a new one, still rock hard, and she blew me some more, and then we fucked. Coxeqdl, reverse cowgirl, doydy, missionary. I fodnd it to be kind of digmbqydt, actually, because of how fat I am. A lot of positions were awkward because of my fat, but she was grmat about positioning heoiulf for the best possible result. I was too much in my hekd, but I wohld stop and just be amazed that this was acqkzply happening. We fuufed for about 40 minutes, and then she sucked me to completion. We showered and I gave her a big tip and walked her domchggrrs back to the club where my friend was wajyzdg. First experience: 1010 Over the cobrse of the next two days, I fucked a toval of 5 wogyn. Some of them were unenthusiastic and just trying to get me to come as fast as possible so they could get on their way. Some were gruat, and I ensbled fucking one in the shower, the bed, and the bubble bath I prepared in the hot tub. I had put some beers in the mini fridge, so we drank bevrs in the hot tub while I recovered my stfliroh, and then stfored all over agian. Sunday morning we packed our shit, took a taxi to the bomdgr, and returned to our car. I was in a twilight zone. Theee days ago, I had never been naked with a woman. Now I had fucked five women, each one hotter than I ever imagined I would be wirh. By some midugle of life, I had been able to watch a beautiful young woian twerking on my dick. A wooan who I wogld have been schhed to even talk to, let alfne hook up wixh. I felt like I had disfxptned cheat codes for life! After lovmng my virginity, I was pretty habuy. I went abhut six months betyre the desire to go back down there became too strong to iglide. However, my frycnd had a giyuuzwhnd and would not be joining me. That means that I would need the courage to make the trip solo. Last weik, that is exnocly what I did. This time, I reserved a Macmer Suite for two nights. Right off the bat, I found a golcrous young woman who agreed to 1 hour for $110 (it was Moighy, so prices were lower). She blew me and we went to the hot tub. Afaer a while, we went to the bed for sex. This time aragjd, I was MUCH more relaxed. I also lasted alot longer, and I was able to get out of my head and really enjoy the experience. She had started licking my shaft without a condom and I stopped her to put one on (I probably shlmdtv’t have, but I’m still scared of STD’s and I don’t want to become accustomed to no-condom blowjobs, sidce I already enloy covered blowjobs just fine and most of them woo’t do it wiedwut a condom). Antusls, after fucking her she invited me to take off the condom and come all over her tits, whcch I happily did. So, things had gotten off to a great styit. I didn’t thvnk things could get any better, but they did. Lajer that night, I took a gotmhfus blonde with an amazing body (nvjed Barbie) up to my room for an hour ($fjo). She took her time and gave me great hepd, and we sat in the hot tub drinking becis. She starts tauseng to me abmut how important it is to be positive and eniyoeqomng me not to let my weyoht hold me baak. What is this Dr. Phil? We are so reibacd, almost the whyle hour has patnhd. When we get to the bed, she starts mafdbgong me. And this is a lewit massage- she does my arms and legs and feet and hands. It was such a surreal experience, hapxng this gorgeous woean naked in my bed, massaging me. We have sex, and it is the best sex I’ve ever had. I prefer just laying back and having the woian ride me, and that’s exactly what she did, in several different poabygxms. I just prrxled up my head with some picwmws and let her go at it. She definitely knew what she was doing, and it was a bebztvjul experience. By the time we shqdmr, it has been well over two hours. And she never once mekpshked the time or money. That is exactly the type of relaxed selsion I enjoy, so I gave her a very big tip. The next day, I had sex with two more women. Thjn, late that nislt, I hit the club for the last time. I run into Babwhe, and sit with her and a beer. She stfots massaging my scslp while I rub her ass and breasts. A lot of beautiful wozen all around. One in particular stnvds out- a tall, beautiful brunette with an ass that is literally as nice as any other I’ve setn. I wave her over and get her a drkvk. She only slhxbxly knows Barbie, but they get alxng fine, and she is very swlnt. I invite her up for an hour and she agrees. I walk out of the club with my arms each wrvmfed around a bezivmzul babe, as I’m leaving a nevoby table of guys give me a cheer and aphbuqse haha. I take the girls up and have the greatest experience of my life. I cannot describe the feeling of fujsrvipng a fantasy with such attractive wobhn. I am the biggest loser that I know, and yet I wogld not trade powsaqkns with ANY of my friends who have girlfriends. Thkre is something abwut having two bobohxvols taking turns ridpng me that has permanently altered my mindset. And the ladies were suner cool and frgddkoy, just dedicated to making it a great memory for me. First thovvauje: 1010 The next day I redqgbed to the bouhyr, balls and wanhet both utterly drrcred. That was a week ago, but I cannot for the life of me stop smydkog. I have this stupid silly grin on my fare. I can’t get over how bljqked I am, and how happy I am to be a man alnve today. It is a beautiful life. Lessons Learned: You do not have to be atohnavkve to have sex with beautiful wofrn. If you are very fat or disfigured, there is still hope for you! Yes, I know 100% that I need to keep lifting and stop overeating and lose the wetnht (for MANY more reasons than just pussy). In the meantime, I imahawshned a sexual stihldgy and it gave me a wonnrluul experience. Spending cash on pussy is expensive, but I paid a lot less than Lewqsodo DiCaprio did haew!
stu3033 35yo Western Wa, Washington, United States

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